We are a sports drinks brand on a mission to change the face of fitness hydration. Our goal is to educate and inspire individuals to push it to perform at their best, no matter their environment. We want to help people reach their goals by offering products that are truly healthy, delivering health benefits to those that need it.

We are strong advocates of raising awareness of the dangers and effects of sugar in diets, and that’s why we have created electrolyte and protein vitamin waters that are completely sugar free.

Why was WOW HYDRATE created?

There are many sports drinks in the market that are full of sugar, and certainly not as healthy as consumers might think. When we became aware of this, we created WOW HYDRATE to provide consumers with drinks that are not only healthy, but also taste good. Our low calorie, fat free and sugar free drinks allow you to stay hydrated and energised. Boasting an abundance of health benefits, our ingredients ensure that you do not have to consume anything bad for you. Plus, they offer a lot more flavour than plain water.

WOW HYDRATE products

Why should I drink WOW HYDRATE?

WOW HYDRATE is the latest innovation in fitness. All consumers get to benefit from fresh, fast hydration. Packed with electrolytes, collagen protein and Vitamins B6, C & D, WOW HYDRATE offers so much more than just water. Plus, you also get to see what exactly you are drinking! WOW HYDRATE is an easy and convenient way to add nutrients to your diet.

  • No powder, measuring, spillage or wastage
  • No cleaning, mess or washing up.
  • Full of flavour with essential nutrients
  • Fresh & powerful ingredients
  • Perfect for those on the go leading healthy active lifestyles

What are the benefits of WOW HYDRATE drinks?


  • Drink before, during and after exercise to replenish minerals lost through sweat
  • 3 essential electrolytes (Magnesium, Calcium and Sodium)
  • Sugar free
  • 33% of the RDA of Vitamins B6, C and D
  • Fat, gluten and lactose free
  • Low calorie (only 11 calories per bottle)
  • No artificial sugars, colours or flavours
  • Low in carbohydrates
  • Helps to maintain normal fluid balance in the body, replacing essential electrolytes that are lost through sweat during exercise


  • Drink throughout the day to complement a healthy diet
  • 10g of collagen protein
  • Sugar free
  • Essential BCAAs
  • Low calorie (only 55 calories per bottle)
  • 33% of the RDA of Vitamins B6, C and D
  • Fat, Gluten and Lactose Free
  • No artificial sugars, colours or flavours
  • Low in carbohydrates
  • Helps to regulate appetite, strengthen bones, balance blood sugar levels and reduce blood pressure


  • Drink before, during and after your workout to help with muscle recovery, soreness and fatigue
  • 20g of collagen protein
  • Sugar free
  • Essential BCAAs
  • Low calories (only 86 calories per bottle)
  • 33% of the RDA of Vitamins B6, C and D
  • Fat, gluten and lactose free
  • No artificial sugars, colours or flavours
  • Low in carbohydrates
  • Helps to promote muscle growth, provide more energy during a workout, reduce recovery time, and keep the immune system healthy

What are electrolytes?

Electrolytes are substances containing ions that the body needs to have good blood chemistry and muscle action. Since sports drinks contain sugar and calories, they may not be ideal for individuals who are looking to lose weight. Instead, water with electrolytes may be consumed.

Why do I need electrolytes?

The electrolytes carry electrical charges that are responsible for stimulating muscles and nerves. They also regulate the amount of fluids throughout your body, which affects cellular function, blood volume and blood pressure. Sodium plays the primary role in water regulation, but they all help to keep body fluids balanced. Your body maintains a specific amount of each electrolyte because a precise proportion of each one is needed for all of them to work properly.

What is the protein used in protein water?

WOW HYDRATE use collagen protein as our primary protein source from bovine. Collagen protein is easily digested and quickly absorbed, and helps to increase muscle mass and aid recovery post-exercise. It also improves hair and skin health, boosts your metabolism and energy output and strengthens hair, nails and teeth.

Are WOW HYDRATE drinks sugar free?

Yes! We only use the natural sweetener, Stevia, in our Electrolyte products and Sucralose in our Protein products to make our drinks taste as good as they are for you!

is WOW HYDRATE suitable for vegans or vegetarians?

Unfortunately, we are not suitable for vegans or vegetarians due to the source of our protein and Vitamin D. We are hoping to create drinks suitable to these dietary requirements very soon – watch this space!

Are WOW HYDRATE drinks lactose free?

Yes, using collagen protein means people who have problems digesting whey protein can substitute their protein supplement with our drinks.

Are WOW HYDRATE drinks gluten free?


Are WOW HYDRATE drinks fat free?


Retail enquiries

Are WOW HYDRATE products in shops?

Yes, we are available in WHSmith and Tesco. We are also available to buy online on Amazon.

Who do I contact regarding stocking WOW HYDRATE?

Please email info@wowhydrate.ae if you are interested in stocking us in your stores.

Ordering from WOW HYDRATE

When should I expect my order?

Once you have placed your order, you should expect to receive it within 3 to 4 working days.

Who do I contact if I have order issues?

Please email us at info@wowhydrate.ae for any issues regarding your order and we will try and solve the problem as quick as possible.

What do I do if my discount code does not work?

Firstly, check the discount code is valid. If it is please email info@wowhydrate.ae and we will make sure to solve this issue as quick as possible.

How do I return my order?

Email us at info@wowhydrate.ae or call +971 58 826 5532 or Whatsapp

Can I make changes once I have placed my order?

If you wish to make any changes once you have placed your order, please email info@wowhydrate.ae as soon as you can. If it has already been sent out for delivery, we apologise but changes cannot be made unless it is returned.